SQLCruise Photos So Far

Saturday we went to #SQLSaturday South Florida, and wow, what an event.  A few hundred SQL Server professionals turned up to hear free training sessions.  Afterwards, we went to On The Border for drinks & appetizers, then off to the Hilton Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort for a pool party.  It didn’t end up being much of a pool party – we alternated between the penthouse and the restaurant instead.

SQLBBQ Pool Party

SQLBBQ Pool Party

Sunday morning we drove down to South Beach, ate breakfast at the Front Porch Cafe on Ocean Drive, and stuck our feet in the water on South Beach.  We’d forgotten to mention to the cruisers that yes, it’s a European-style (topless) beach, which raised some eyebrows.

Then we headed out to Gareth Swanepoel’s house for the #SQLBBQ.  Gareth was one of the organizers for #SQLSaturday, and he proved his organizing prowess and hospitality yet again with the #SQLBBQ.  Most folks would struggle to pull off just one of these events in a weekend, but Gareth did two, and we can’t thank him enough.  We handed out the SQLCruise Swag Bags, ate lots and lots of good food, and showed off our sunburns.

You can check out the photos so far in Brent’s SQLCruise 2010 pictures.